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Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be defined as artificial decision making similar or equal to human decision making, based on certain unique algorithms and related mathematical calculations. On the other side, Cyber Security is the security measures to be taken to get rid of cyber-attacks in the virtual world.
Besides, the role of AI is ever increasing in the modern world where the threat to cybersecurity is considered a serious issue.
AI can identify Cyber Attacks
AI can be easily used to identify unexpected attacks on the cyberspace, including different web platforms and high security based official websites. Hackers use different ways to initiate cyber-attacks and demand for ransom. Within this scenario, sites in need of high security depend upon AI as the primary method to detect cyber-attacks. Besides, it is difficult for hackers to get access to high-security websites because high-security websites depend upon AI to detect any sort of unauthorized entry. A high success rate of AI-based websites in detecting cyber-attacks tends similar sites to choose AI as the primary security measure in general.
AI can prevent Cyber Attacks
One can see that mere identification of a security threat cannot help a website of virtual platform to keep away from cyber attackers including hackers. Within this scenario, AI can be used to prevent cyber-attacks in different ways. So as to prevent a cyber-attack, the person who is in charge of a website must think similar to a hacker thinks. Here, AI can be used how a hacker thinks and acts to break the security code.
Hackers or group of hackers make use of different techniques and methods to gain entry to the target website. The first step is to keep an eye on the target website and try to identify the weaker point to attack. When it is identified, hacking becomes an easier process because hackers use malware and similar hacking tools to hack a website. For instance, software like Norm shield Cyber Risk Scorecard based upon AI can easily help websites to keep away from Cyber Attacks from hackers and phishes.
The scope of AI beyond traditional security measures
One can see that traditional security measures depend upon certain antivirus software, firewall and similar tools on detecting and preventing web-based security threats. Within this scenario, the timely updating of software and the attitude of the person who is in charge of cybersecurity determines the level of security of a website or virtual platform.
As AI usually depends upon innovative technology like Machine Language, hackers face difficulty to gain access to the servers where valuable information is collected in the form of data.
AI and large-scale cybersecurity
Imagine a website with less traffic, a few interconnected systems and less popularity. There is no use to depend upon sophisticated AI to protect the website from cyber-attack. Besides, hackers may not target less popular websites and public platforms because they cannot gain much from the proposed attack.
Imagine another website with millions of regular traffic, millions of interconnected systems, centralized server, and high popularity. If the authorities provide less importance to the security of a website with a large amount of traffic or with highly secret and most valuable information, the website is at high risk of cyber-attack. Within this scenario, AI can easily deal with the security of high profile websites because it will be difficult for traditional cyber security methods to identify whether a visitor is a normal visitor or a hacker.
AI can ensure minimum human involvement in cybersecurity affairs
Typically, cybersecurity personals are assigned to keep an eye of the security of a website or connected group of websites. This limits the scope of AI involvement in cybersecurity affairs because human beings control everything by taking decisions related to cybersecurity in general. Besides, it is difficult for cybersecurity experts to work for hours without break or holidays. Within this scenario, AI can deal with similar situations with ease because AI doesn’t require any break or holiday because it is programmed to deal with high-risk tasks without any concern.
Summing up, AI is undergoing rapid change and progress from mere technical assistance to cybersecurity experts in dealing with the detection and prevention of cybersecurity challenges. Aided and supported by Machine Language, AI can track down any sort of cyber security breach and can inform the authorities or take apt measures to rectify the same in no time. So, it is evident that the role of AI is ever increasing in the modern context where information technology makes human life easier to an extent.