If you own a website that is powered by WordPress, then you must be concerned about possible WordPress security issues and vulnerabilities. The WordPress websites are susceptible to severe security issues and attacks. If the sites are hacked, they not only cost the owner regarding reinstating the system back to normal but also ruin search engine ranking as well.
[bctt tweet=”In this post, we’ll briefly explain few of the most common #WordPress #security vulnerabilities, along with measures you can take to secure your WordPress #website.”]
Table of Contents
1. Brute Force Attacks
Brute force is a trial and error method used by application programs to crack encrypted data such as passwords. It is same as if a criminal might break into, a safe or locker by trying many possible combinations. Brute force decoding application checks through all possible combinations of legal characters in a sequence.
A useful tip for protecting your WordPress website from brute force attacks is to protect the login of your site. If you implement two-factor authentication method, then you can create an extra security layer during the login process. In this method, apart from username and password, you need to put a one-time code sent via SMS to your mobile to log in. The Google Authenticator is a useful plugin available to implement this attribute efficiently on your websites.
2. Weak Passwords
You can easily avoid one of the most significant security vulnerabilities by not using a weak password. A weak password plus the default admin username is hacker’s dream, and it is significant to have a unique and strong password. Please keep in mind that every extra character of a password considerably reduces the possibilities of getting it cracked.
“The password of your WordPress admin must be strong, contain numerous types of characters, symbols or number. It must be explicit to your WordPress website and not used anywhere else,” says Emily Jones, a website Designer at UK Logos.
3. Avoiding Version Updates
If you continue to use outdated versions of WordPress, plugins, and themes, then it can leave you vulnerable to severe attacks. The version updates often contain patches for security issues in the code. So it is always essential to use the latest version of all plugins and software installed on your WordPress website.
The updates show in your WordPress dashboard as soon as they’re available so you must make it a practice of running a backup and then running available updates every time you log in. Most people consider the task of running updates inconvenient and avoid it that puts their website at high risk. But running updates every time as soon as possible can save them from various security issues. You can take control of the updates through Easy Updates Manager if you have more than one WordPress website.
4. Using Untrustworthy Sources
One of the most common means attackers can exploit your WordPress website is through the insecure or outdated codes. You must only download and install plugins and themes from trustworthy sources, such as from the WordPress.org.
“You can also choose premium companies to download and install your plugins to safeguard your website from various attacks,” says Sophia Christopher, a professional writer at Assignment Help. Moreover, avoid the use of “free” versions of premium WordPress themes and plugins, as these files may have been modified to enclose malware.
5. SQL Injections
SQL injections occur when an attacker achieves access to your WordPress MySQL database. Through various SQL injections, an attacker may create a new admin-level user account or insert new data into your database, including links to malicious websites.
The most common protective measures against SQL injections involve controlling and vetting user-input channels as these are the main platform for SQL injection attacks. You must also check all the codes on every page of your website where you merge page contents, commands, strings, etc. with sources that might arrive from users.
If you want to be sure that your site is secure, you can use Security Ninja. This plugin performs more than 50 tests that will provide a comprehensive overview of your site’s security. As the new threats appear daily, it is crucial to be up-to-date. Read more about them on blogs which cover the issues of web security.