Top 10 Modern Web Security Blogs

Have you ever thought about how scary it is that any person on the planet can practically get any information on you, your family members or your business and you’ll have no idea? What is more, you won’t be able to do anything about it. This age of information technologies we live in has a huge number of massive benefits which serve humanity most positively. However, the Internet space has its wound, which becomes open and infected from time to time.

We’re talking about web-security or a cyber-security, as you can find it in some sources. The information has become way too accessible; humanity ended up in a world which has no secrets because nothing can ever be hidden or protected well enough. And this is the main reason why we are so eager to talk with you about the blogs which cover the issues of web security.

It’s important to stay updated to protect your website at all costs.


Perhaps, these blogs will inspire you to become a contributor yourself. Would you like to share the wisdom with other people who care about their businesses and websites so much? Perhaps, you own such a blog yourself, however, if writing has never been your thing, you can always address a website, and you’ll get everything done in no time. Are you ready to become a guru of web security with the help of those excellent blogs?

Signal Magazine

Let’s start with the big players in this Internet game. If you need to know the necessary information about AFCEA, you should find out that it’s a super severe organization and “Signal Magazine” is its official publisher. Fine, stop Googling it, we’ll tell you anyway. AFCEA stands for Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. This is a non-profit company which was established in 1946 and deals with the problems of information security and the modern cyberspace in general. It provides the “Signal Magazine” with super exclusive insider information that you’ll find rather helpful. It’s not just a blog, it has lots of cool stuff to propose, including webinars, newsletters, e-books, and there’s more to come. We don’t want to throw any spoilers, so just check it out yourself.


It’s widely popular, and many people who work in the sphere which aren’t even remotely connected to the web security are obsessed with this blog. It has a very diverse palette of topics and writing styles. You’ll find some deadly serious articles on cyber attacks or sarcastic short texts about the negative impacts of modern technologies on the daily life of humanity. The guys from “Wired” cover various interesting subjects including science, education, design, gear, and transportation. You have to be familiar with all the Internet trends to stay on the top, so this blogging platform will become your favorite tool which will help to achieve that goal.

Dark Reading

Web security professionals perceive this one as their altar. Beginners may not be that pleased with the process of exploring this blogging zone because it’s created to cover the needs of total pros. Don’t worry, you’ll become one someday; and if you already are, you’ll be thrilled to find out that “Dark Reading” deals with Cloud, Mobile, Operations, APP sec, and much more cool stuff that at this point, you can’t imagine your life without.



Nowadays, China has become a center of attention of many international cyber security organizations due to the harmful online activities of this country. Chinese hackers were accused of spreading computer viruses which appeared to be deadly for some systems throughout the world. No wonder, that many web security professionals are paying particular attention to the cyberspace of this powerful state. “TaoSecurity” (which is written by Richard Bejtlich) provides you with the latest updates on the deeds of Chinese Internet criminals.

The Akamai Blog

This blog will suit you perfectly if you’re looking for a universal source of information on the web security. Perhaps, you’re not familiar with this sphere to an extent when you can consider yourself to be a professional. In this case “The Akamai Blog” will be the best solution for you. Various articles on modern technology and cybersecurity will always keep you informed so you won’t lose your edge.

Schneier on Security

Do you want to be taught by “a security guru”? Of course, you do! By the way, it’s the title that was given to the creator and author of this blog Bruce Schneier by one of the most influential media outlets “The Economist.” The guy has been in the writing business since 2004, and you know exactly what it means. His advice worth millions of dollars, but you can check them out for free. Bruce is the author of 13 books, and he is a Harvard University graduate. Name a more professional web security blogger. We’ll wait.

The Last Watchdog

Doesn’t the name itself gives you the vibe that you’re about to see and read something rather interesting? The intuition didn’t let you down because this blog will capture your attention for hours and hours. What’s so special about it? It has lots of educational videos, and many articles are composed in the form of an interview which gives you an opportunity to get to know all alternative opinions from many experts in the sphere of web security. However, the main author of the “The Last Watchdog” is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Byron Acohido who is an exceptional professional.


The State of Security

We had to add some people’s favorites on this list. You know what? We won’t even go into too much detail describing the content of this platform. We can inform you that “The State of Security” was a winner of 2014 contest “Most Entertaining Security Blog” and “Best Corporate Blog” as well. This website wouldn’t be awarded for no reason, so it’s worth checking out.

Paul’s Security Weekly

It’s an Amusement Park for all web security enthusiasts. “Paul’s Security Weekly” has turned this sphere upside down and has shown how it’s done. It’s so much more than just a blog! This team has come up with an idea of security shows that you can watch or listen to on various platforms like Google Play or iTunes. These epic shows are: “Enterprise Security,” “Paul’s Security Weekly” (well, ‘s obvious), and “Hack Naked TV,” the one you’ll never get bored with.

IT Security Guru

It’s more a news digest rather than a blog. However, it does possess the features of a writer’s creation. All the updates and trends are gathered right here, and you’ll be the first one to hear about the innovations if you are hanging out on this blogging platform a lot. Videos, articles, charts, “IT Security Guru” has everything which will help to protect your website.

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