7 of the Most Interesting Facts About Cyber Security

The expanding internet usage for individuals and corporations means that more attention is focused on cybersecurity. The threat is no longer a concern for large corporations or financial institutions. Small businesses and individuals have to be more alert.

Knowledge of the cybersecurity sector by experts from myhomeworkdone.com will help you take appropriate measures to protect yourself and your investments.

[bctt tweet=”Here are facts that will help you determine the kind of security measures to take in order to remain safe.”]

Cyber Attack Incidences Are On The Rise

There is growing investment in cybersecurity, but this is not deterring the attackers. The frequency of attack and the severity of damage is growing by the day. With this trend giving no signs of slowing down, there is a chance that the attackers will get to more people soon. If you have not been attacked, your time is coming soon.

Mobile Malware Attacks Are Growing By The Day

mobile malware

Mobile phones were considered to be more secure than computer devices. However, this immunity has worn out. Mobile malware in the form of spyware, virus, and ransomware is on the rise. Lifestyle category of apps took the largest share with music and audio as well as books and references following closely.

Three Industries Remain The Most Vulnerable

Attackers are paying attention to three industries in particular. They are government, technology, and retail. Though the industries pay attention to the security of information in the possession, they have the most personal data. This makes it exciting for cyber attackers.

The Attackers Strike Every 39 Seconds

Cyber Security: Asking the Right Questions About Risk Management

By the time you complete this article, they will have struck tens of times. The attacks have been reported to affect one in every three Americans so far. Over 3.8 million records have been compromised so far, and the cost is expected to exceed $150 million by 2020.

Identify Theft Has Affected Over 60 Million Americans

Theft of personal details is exposing more people to identity theft. Though the amount stolen as a result of the cyber breach is on a downward spiral, the number of people affected is growing. 2017 witnessed the highest number at 15 million people.

Only 38% Of Organizations Are Ready For A Major Attack

Growing expenditure on cybersecurity is not spread evenly. It is alarming to learn that only 38% of organizations have the infrastructure to handle a sophisticated attack. This is a demonstration of how vulnerable people are. It gets worse when you imagine that 54% of companies have been attacked at least once in the last year.

93% Of Attacks Could Have Been Avoided

Human error is to blame for most of the attacks. However, the organizations attacked failed to take such simple measures as updating software or taking advantage of solutions already available on the cloud platform.

There are measures proposed by domyhomework specialists that will keep your data and organization safe. Simple steps like working with licensed and updated apps will protect your data. Always work with experts to protect your systems from devastating attacks happening every 39 seconds.

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