Controlling License Usage by Whitelisting Sites

You can control which websites are allowed to use your license. This feature is excellent for ensuring that only the websites you authorize can activate and use your Security Ninja license. Here’s how to manage this:

Steps to Whitelist Sites

  1. Go to your account page and click the Licenses menu item.
  2. Click on the specific license you want to restrict.
  3. Find the License Security section and click the button Restrict Sites.

This action will open a warning dialogue box:

“By whitelisting sites you restrict the license activation and updates to only work for the configured sites.”

Whitelisting Sites - Dialogue box

Important Notice

Once you restrict the sites, you will need to log in to your account page and modify the whitelisted websites if you want to activate the license on a new website. This provides an additional layer of security and control over your license usage.

How to restrict/whitelist websites allowed to use your license

For more details on managing your licenses and whitelisting sites, refer to our documentation or contact our support team if you have any questions.

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