Last Login

Enhanced Visibility with Last Login Feature

The ‘Last Login’ function in Security Ninja offers a straightforward yet powerful tool for monitoring user activity. This way you can easily track the most recent login time of each user on your website.

Last Login Column

Effortless Activation

This functionality is seamlessly integrated and activated by default upon installing either the Free or Premium version of Security Ninja. There’s no additional setup required, making it a hassle-free experience for administrators.

Customizable User Page Display

Tailoring your User page display to meet your specific needs is straightforward. To manage the visibility of the ‘Last Login’ column, simply navigate to the Users page.

In the top right corner, you’ll find the ‘Screen Options’ button.

Screen Options

A click on this button reveals customization options, allowing you to choose which columns appear on your Users page.

Choose columns in Users page

Please note that available column options may vary depending on your website’s specific configuration.


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