The vulnerability scanner in WP Security Ninja diligently examines your installed plugins, comparing them against a comprehensive list of known vulnerabilities. If it detects a plugin with a recognized flaw, you’ll be promptly alerted.
This list of vulnerabilities is sourced from authoritative open sources, including the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). It’s regularly downloaded via our API to your server, ensuring you have the most up-to-date information for safeguarding your website.
Once the list is on your server, the scanner cross-references your installed plugins and your current WordPress version against it. If any plugin or your WordPress version is found to have known vulnerabilities, the scanner will notify you. This process is vital for maintaining your site’s security and integrity.
Importantly, all data stays on your server. The plugin only downloads the list of known vulnerabilities and performs all checks locally on your website. No information about your site’s vulnerabilities is sent back to our servers, ensuring your data privacy and security.