How to Control White Label Settings Remotely on MainWP Child Sites
With Security Ninja 5.190 and Security Ninja for MainWP Addon 2.0.7, you can now control white label settings remotely on your MainWP child sites. Follow the steps below to use this new bulk action feature.
Steps to Use the White Label Bulk Action in MainWP
- Navigate to Sites Page: In your MainWP Dashboard, go to the Sites page.
- Select Sites: Select the sites you want to update the white label settings for.
- Choose Bulk Action: From the bulk actions dropdown menu, choose “White Label (Security Ninja)”.
- Configure Settings: A popup will appear where you can configure the white label settings.
- Enable/Disable: Choose to enable or disable the white label feature.
- Mandatory Fields: If enabling, fill out the mandatory fields:
- Plugin Name *
- Plugin Description *
- Author Name *
- Author URL *
- Optional Fields: You can also fill out optional fields:
- Plugin Icon URL
- Plugin Menu Icon URL
- Save Settings: After configuring, click Save to apply the changes to the selected sites.
Manually Adjust White Label Settings on Child Sites
To manually adjust white label settings on individual child sites, you can access the settings directly via the URL:
Accessing Plugin Settings Locally
If you need to access the plugin settings locally after whitelabeling, you can manipulate the URL in the browser to access the plugin settings directly:
Additional Information
For more details on how to white label the plugin, refer to our guide: How to Whitelabel the Plugin.